The Chippewa Valley Astronomical Society contributes a newspaper column called “Astronomy Update” to the Eau Claire Leader Telegram, typically appearing in the third Friday of the month edition.
Click any of the links below to read a past “Astronomy Update.”
- 202412 Meteorites in Wisconsin (168.85 Kb)
- 202411 What every 7 year old should know about the moon (266.47 Kb)
- 202410 Saturns Rings Make Rare Show (159.59 Kb)
- 202409 Chasing the Darkness (429.54 Kb)
- 202408 Pack Your Star Party Go Bag (267.31 Kb)
- 202407 Stargazing The Northern Sky (256.2 Kb)
- 202406 C V A S Invites New Members (226.59 Kb)
- 202405 Waiting for Nova in Cor Bor (184.91 Kb)
- 202404 Power of my New Telescope (231.8 Kb)
- 202403 Lunar Standstills (558.52 Kb)
- 202402 Somewhat Successful Moon Missions (223.83 Kb)
- 202401 Pondering the Milky Way (285.92 Kb)
- 202312 Who is up All Night (246.99 Kb)
- 202311 Asteroid with Moon (177.96 Kb)
- 202310 Goodbye Arecibo Observatory (215.68 Kb)
- 202309 Annular Eclipse (162.21 Kb)
- 202308 Supermoons (235.21 Kb)
- 202307 Farthest Star Visible (343.69 Kb)
- 202306 Auroras Rising (137.22 Kb)
- 202305 Artemis I I Crew (83.1 Kb)
- 202303 Conserving the Night Sky (240.46 Kb)
- 202303 Ingenuity Helicopter (147.83 Kb)
- 202302 Pleaides (237.89 Kb)
- 202301 Giant Comet (148.04 Kb)
- 202212 Pleaides (145.55 Kb)
- 202211 North Star (97.43 Kb)
- 202210 Galileo discovered Jupiters Moons (132.82 Kb)
- 202209 Lady Huggins (195.1 Kb)
- 202208 Saturn (121.86 Kb)
- 202207 Solstice to Moonstice (213.68 Kb)
- 202206 How High Does The Sun Go (135.36 Kb)
- 202205 The Nearest Star (122.5 Kb)
- 202204 Measuring Stars (134.92 Kb)
- 202203 Space Force (102.99 Kb)
- 202202 Unseen Light (143.72 Kb)
- 202201 Getting Serious About Sirius (477.68 Kb)
- 202112 Solstices Precession North Star (122.23 Kb)
- 202111 Venus (160.2 Kb)
- 202110 Destructive Moon (190.7 Kb)
- 202109 Galileos Jupiter (374.32 Kb)
- 202108 Satellite Blight (296.87 Kb)
- 202107 Move the Moon (320.54 Kb)
- 202106 Gravity Glue (391.81 Kb)
- 202105 Spring Galaxies (211.55 Kb)